Look who was creative this weekend
I thought my walls could use with some brightening up, and a trip to my favorite craft store inspired me:

Here's another view:

And a detail:

What do you think? I'm quite proud. It was a lot more work than I thought it would be, but it's nice to have time to do things like this. I knit a hat last weekend. I likely won't have time to do that again until winter break because classes are starting soon. This is my last week of freedom, and on the way home from the library today (Yeah, I know, it's sick to spend two hours a day at the library during my "last week of freedom," but I can't help myself) I realized this is the longest break from school I've ever had. I've taken summers off before (two of them, I think, in six years of university...or maybe it was only one?), but the lag between the start of the school year back home and the start of the school year here means that it's been more than five months since I've been in school. Granted during my summer "break" I wrote forty pages of my thesis and almost sixty pages of comprehensive exams, but I wasn't actually in class.
But who am I kidding? I can't wait to start school, with all that entails: a crazy schedule, a big pile of textbooks, living at the library, school supplies, oh, the school supplies. Just look in my drawer:

I can't wait to use them.
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