My madcap adventures in Germany during my year as a Fulbright Scholar.

11 December 2006

nothing new here

Hello out there. Yes, I'm still alive. Sorry for the absence of late. Blogging kept getting bumped to the bottom of my to-do list. I somehow deluded myself into thinking the weeks leading up to Christmas wouldn't be as busy here as they always are at home and was then absolutely unprepared for the deluge. Thankfully, the worst is over (knock wood).

Today was a strange day. I went to the post office to mail a Christmas present to my friend in Zambia and felt like the ten years I've spent learning German were ineffectual. I did what I always do with a package and took it to the post office blank, planning to fill out their form with the customs declaration. "You know, you need to write the address on it," he said. But then he recollected himself and handed me the form with the customs slip. He also looked at me like I was crazy when I said it was going to Africa, his glance implying, why would you need to send anything to Africa. It was a demoralizing experience, and I was glad to be gone.

Then I went to the train station to buy tickets to Prague (a vacation! yay!) and had no problem communicating what I needed to the woman at the desk. I left with my tickets and seat reservations and realized that the situation at the post office probably had nothing to do with my communication skills and everything to do with that guy being an ass.

In other news, I'll be home in two weeks!


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